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What is Self Awareness and How to improve

What is Self Awareness and How to improve



Sony Thomas


Have you ever noticed how sometimes people don't understand how their words or actions affect others? This is often because they might not fully understand themselves or their actions. This understanding is what we call self-awareness. It's like having a mirror that shows not just our outside but also our thoughts, feelings, and why we do what we do.

Self-awareness is crucial. It can improve our relationships, help us work well, and lead others more effectively. It can even make us more successful in business and make our lives happier and more fulfilling. Imagine being able to know precisely why you feel a certain way or why you prefer some things over others. This knowledge can help you make better choices and feel more satisfied.

What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is like having a unique tool that helps us understand our thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and why we act in specific ways. It's like being a detective for our minds and hearts. Let's break it down a bit:

  • Thoughts: These are the things we think about. For example, if you ever thought, "I'm not good at this," without realizing why you felt that way, that's a thought affecting you without your awareness and being self-aware means noticing these thoughts and understanding why you have them.

  • Feelings: Feelings are our emotions. Imagine feeling suddenly sad but not knowing why. Self-awareness helps you figure out what made you sad, like remembering a movie that made you miss a friend.

  • Values: These are the things that are important to us. If you value honesty but find yourself uncomfortable in situations where you must lie, self-awareness helps you understand that discomfort comes from going against your values.

  • Beliefs: Beliefs are things we think are true. If you believe hard work always leads to success but feel confused when it doesn't, self-awareness helps you explore and understand these beliefs better.

  • Actions: These are the things we do. Maybe you snapped at a friend without meaning to. Self-awareness helps you look back and understand why that happened, like maybe you were stressed about something else.

Being self-aware is like having a map of your inner world. It can be challenging because we have to face things about ourselves we might not always like. But it's also gratifying because it helps us grow and understand ourselves better.

Achieving self-awareness can be challenging. Many things inside and outside us can make it hard to understand our true selves. But it's worth the effort because it can improve our lives.

What are some common barriers to self-awareness?

Understanding ourselves sounds straightforward, but several things can make it tricky. Here are a few obstacles that often get in the way:

  • Guilt and Shame: Sometimes, we might not want to look too closely at ourselves because we fear what we'll find. We might feel guilty about things we've done or ashamed of parts of ourselves. This can make us avoid self-reflection.

  • Resistance to Change: It's comfortable to stay the same, even if we're unhappy or unfulfilled. Changing ourselves can be scary, so we might resist becoming more self-aware to avoid having to make changes.

  • Cognitive Biases are like mental shortcuts our brains take that can distort how we see ourselves and the world. For example, we might think we're better at something than we are, which can block us from seeing the truth about ourselves.

  • Social and Cultural Factors: Our society or culture sometimes influences how we should see ourselves. We might be pressured to act a certain way or value certain things, making it hard to know what we actually think and feel.

  • Overwhelming and Busy Lives: When we're constantly busy or stressed, it's hard to think about who we are and what we want. Life can get so hectic that we forget to check in with ourselves.

Knowing these barriers is the first step towards overcoming them. Next is using strategies and taking actions to truly move past these obstacles and become more self-aware.

Strategies to Improve Self-Awareness

Improving self-awareness isn't always easy, but here are some practical steps you can take to get to know yourself better:

  • Practice Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Meditating allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. This helps you understand your inner self more deeply.

  • Seeking Feedback: Seeing ourselves from another's perspective can be enlightening. Ask people you trust for honest feedback about your behaviour and how you come across. It's not always easy to hear, but it can be precious.

  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you notice patterns over time. Are there certain situations that always make you anxious? Do certain people always bring out the best or worse in you? Journaling can help you discover these patterns.

  • Try New Experiences: Stepping out of your comfort zone can teach you much about yourself. Try new activities, meet new people, and go to new places. Each new experience can show you something different about what you like and dislike and how you react to challenges.

  • Learn to Recognize and Label Your Emotions: Identifying your feelings is a big part of self-awareness. Instead of just feeling upset, can you tell if you're sad, frustrated, or disappointed? Naming your emotions is a step towards understanding them.

  • Pause Before Reacting: Before you respond to something emotionally, take a moment to ask yourself why you're feeling this way. This pause can give insight into your reactions and help you handle situations more thoughtfully.

  • Use Personality Tests and Assessments: Tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Enneagram can offer insights into your personality traits and how you interact with the world. While they shouldn't be taken as absolute truth, they can be a starting point for self-discovery.

  • Professional Help: Sometimes, the journey to self-awareness can uncover deep-seated beliefs and feelings that are hard to deal with alone. Therapists, counsellors, and life coaches can provide guidance and support as you explore your inner self.


The journey towards self-awareness is undoubtedly one of the most valuable pursuits in our lives. It lays the groundwork for genuine personal growth, enriched relationships, professional success, and leadership effectiveness. By cultivating a deep understanding of our thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and actions, we unlock the potential to navigate life's challenges with grace and intentionality.

Remember, self-awareness is a journey, not a destination. There will always be more to learn about ourselves, new depths to explore, and further opportunities for growth. The strategies outlined, from mindfulness meditation to seeking professional guidance, are tools to help us on this journey, offering paths to greater understanding and self-compassion.

If you're inspired to embark on this journey of self-discovery, consider reaching out for support. Our Life Coaching program at DareAhead is designed to guide you towards deeper self-awareness, helping you uncover the insights and strategies needed to live a truly fulfilling life. Together, we can explore the richness of your inner world, unlocking the doors to a brighter, more aware future.


Have you ever noticed how sometimes people don't understand how their words or actions affect others? This is often because they might not fully understand themselves or their actions. This understanding is what we call self-awareness. It's like having a mirror that shows not just our outside but also our thoughts, feelings, and why we do what we do.

Self-awareness is crucial. It can improve our relationships, help us work well, and lead others more effectively. It can even make us more successful in business and make our lives happier and more fulfilling. Imagine being able to know precisely why you feel a certain way or why you prefer some things over others. This knowledge can help you make better choices and feel more satisfied.

What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is like having a unique tool that helps us understand our thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and why we act in specific ways. It's like being a detective for our minds and hearts. Let's break it down a bit:

  • Thoughts: These are the things we think about. For example, if you ever thought, "I'm not good at this," without realizing why you felt that way, that's a thought affecting you without your awareness and being self-aware means noticing these thoughts and understanding why you have them.

  • Feelings: Feelings are our emotions. Imagine feeling suddenly sad but not knowing why. Self-awareness helps you figure out what made you sad, like remembering a movie that made you miss a friend.

  • Values: These are the things that are important to us. If you value honesty but find yourself uncomfortable in situations where you must lie, self-awareness helps you understand that discomfort comes from going against your values.

  • Beliefs: Beliefs are things we think are true. If you believe hard work always leads to success but feel confused when it doesn't, self-awareness helps you explore and understand these beliefs better.

  • Actions: These are the things we do. Maybe you snapped at a friend without meaning to. Self-awareness helps you look back and understand why that happened, like maybe you were stressed about something else.

Being self-aware is like having a map of your inner world. It can be challenging because we have to face things about ourselves we might not always like. But it's also gratifying because it helps us grow and understand ourselves better.

Achieving self-awareness can be challenging. Many things inside and outside us can make it hard to understand our true selves. But it's worth the effort because it can improve our lives.

What are some common barriers to self-awareness?

Understanding ourselves sounds straightforward, but several things can make it tricky. Here are a few obstacles that often get in the way:

  • Guilt and Shame: Sometimes, we might not want to look too closely at ourselves because we fear what we'll find. We might feel guilty about things we've done or ashamed of parts of ourselves. This can make us avoid self-reflection.

  • Resistance to Change: It's comfortable to stay the same, even if we're unhappy or unfulfilled. Changing ourselves can be scary, so we might resist becoming more self-aware to avoid having to make changes.

  • Cognitive Biases are like mental shortcuts our brains take that can distort how we see ourselves and the world. For example, we might think we're better at something than we are, which can block us from seeing the truth about ourselves.

  • Social and Cultural Factors: Our society or culture sometimes influences how we should see ourselves. We might be pressured to act a certain way or value certain things, making it hard to know what we actually think and feel.

  • Overwhelming and Busy Lives: When we're constantly busy or stressed, it's hard to think about who we are and what we want. Life can get so hectic that we forget to check in with ourselves.

Knowing these barriers is the first step towards overcoming them. Next is using strategies and taking actions to truly move past these obstacles and become more self-aware.

Strategies to Improve Self-Awareness

Improving self-awareness isn't always easy, but here are some practical steps you can take to get to know yourself better:

  • Practice Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Meditating allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. This helps you understand your inner self more deeply.

  • Seeking Feedback: Seeing ourselves from another's perspective can be enlightening. Ask people you trust for honest feedback about your behaviour and how you come across. It's not always easy to hear, but it can be precious.

  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you notice patterns over time. Are there certain situations that always make you anxious? Do certain people always bring out the best or worse in you? Journaling can help you discover these patterns.

  • Try New Experiences: Stepping out of your comfort zone can teach you much about yourself. Try new activities, meet new people, and go to new places. Each new experience can show you something different about what you like and dislike and how you react to challenges.

  • Learn to Recognize and Label Your Emotions: Identifying your feelings is a big part of self-awareness. Instead of just feeling upset, can you tell if you're sad, frustrated, or disappointed? Naming your emotions is a step towards understanding them.

  • Pause Before Reacting: Before you respond to something emotionally, take a moment to ask yourself why you're feeling this way. This pause can give insight into your reactions and help you handle situations more thoughtfully.

  • Use Personality Tests and Assessments: Tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Enneagram can offer insights into your personality traits and how you interact with the world. While they shouldn't be taken as absolute truth, they can be a starting point for self-discovery.

  • Professional Help: Sometimes, the journey to self-awareness can uncover deep-seated beliefs and feelings that are hard to deal with alone. Therapists, counsellors, and life coaches can provide guidance and support as you explore your inner self.


The journey towards self-awareness is undoubtedly one of the most valuable pursuits in our lives. It lays the groundwork for genuine personal growth, enriched relationships, professional success, and leadership effectiveness. By cultivating a deep understanding of our thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and actions, we unlock the potential to navigate life's challenges with grace and intentionality.

Remember, self-awareness is a journey, not a destination. There will always be more to learn about ourselves, new depths to explore, and further opportunities for growth. The strategies outlined, from mindfulness meditation to seeking professional guidance, are tools to help us on this journey, offering paths to greater understanding and self-compassion.

If you're inspired to embark on this journey of self-discovery, consider reaching out for support. Our Life Coaching program at DareAhead is designed to guide you towards deeper self-awareness, helping you uncover the insights and strategies needed to live a truly fulfilling life. Together, we can explore the richness of your inner world, unlocking the doors to a brighter, more aware future.

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find influencer within seconds using impulze.ai
Sony Thomas

Sony Thomas

Holistic Coach

What is Self Awareness and How to improve



Sony Thomas


Have you ever noticed how sometimes people don't understand how their words or actions affect others? This is often because they might not fully understand themselves or their actions. This understanding is what we call self-awareness. It's like having a mirror that shows not just our outside but also our thoughts, feelings, and why we do what we do.

Self-awareness is crucial. It can improve our relationships, help us work well, and lead others more effectively. It can even make us more successful in business and make our lives happier and more fulfilling. Imagine being able to know precisely why you feel a certain way or why you prefer some things over others. This knowledge can help you make better choices and feel more satisfied.

What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is like having a unique tool that helps us understand our thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and why we act in specific ways. It's like being a detective for our minds and hearts. Let's break it down a bit:

  • Thoughts: These are the things we think about. For example, if you ever thought, "I'm not good at this," without realizing why you felt that way, that's a thought affecting you without your awareness and being self-aware means noticing these thoughts and understanding why you have them.

  • Feelings: Feelings are our emotions. Imagine feeling suddenly sad but not knowing why. Self-awareness helps you figure out what made you sad, like remembering a movie that made you miss a friend.

  • Values: These are the things that are important to us. If you value honesty but find yourself uncomfortable in situations where you must lie, self-awareness helps you understand that discomfort comes from going against your values.

  • Beliefs: Beliefs are things we think are true. If you believe hard work always leads to success but feel confused when it doesn't, self-awareness helps you explore and understand these beliefs better.

  • Actions: These are the things we do. Maybe you snapped at a friend without meaning to. Self-awareness helps you look back and understand why that happened, like maybe you were stressed about something else.

Being self-aware is like having a map of your inner world. It can be challenging because we have to face things about ourselves we might not always like. But it's also gratifying because it helps us grow and understand ourselves better.

Achieving self-awareness can be challenging. Many things inside and outside us can make it hard to understand our true selves. But it's worth the effort because it can improve our lives.

What are some common barriers to self-awareness?

Understanding ourselves sounds straightforward, but several things can make it tricky. Here are a few obstacles that often get in the way:

  • Guilt and Shame: Sometimes, we might not want to look too closely at ourselves because we fear what we'll find. We might feel guilty about things we've done or ashamed of parts of ourselves. This can make us avoid self-reflection.

  • Resistance to Change: It's comfortable to stay the same, even if we're unhappy or unfulfilled. Changing ourselves can be scary, so we might resist becoming more self-aware to avoid having to make changes.

  • Cognitive Biases are like mental shortcuts our brains take that can distort how we see ourselves and the world. For example, we might think we're better at something than we are, which can block us from seeing the truth about ourselves.

  • Social and Cultural Factors: Our society or culture sometimes influences how we should see ourselves. We might be pressured to act a certain way or value certain things, making it hard to know what we actually think and feel.

  • Overwhelming and Busy Lives: When we're constantly busy or stressed, it's hard to think about who we are and what we want. Life can get so hectic that we forget to check in with ourselves.

Knowing these barriers is the first step towards overcoming them. Next is using strategies and taking actions to truly move past these obstacles and become more self-aware.

Strategies to Improve Self-Awareness

Improving self-awareness isn't always easy, but here are some practical steps you can take to get to know yourself better:

  • Practice Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Meditating allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. This helps you understand your inner self more deeply.

  • Seeking Feedback: Seeing ourselves from another's perspective can be enlightening. Ask people you trust for honest feedback about your behaviour and how you come across. It's not always easy to hear, but it can be precious.

  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you notice patterns over time. Are there certain situations that always make you anxious? Do certain people always bring out the best or worse in you? Journaling can help you discover these patterns.

  • Try New Experiences: Stepping out of your comfort zone can teach you much about yourself. Try new activities, meet new people, and go to new places. Each new experience can show you something different about what you like and dislike and how you react to challenges.

  • Learn to Recognize and Label Your Emotions: Identifying your feelings is a big part of self-awareness. Instead of just feeling upset, can you tell if you're sad, frustrated, or disappointed? Naming your emotions is a step towards understanding them.

  • Pause Before Reacting: Before you respond to something emotionally, take a moment to ask yourself why you're feeling this way. This pause can give insight into your reactions and help you handle situations more thoughtfully.

  • Use Personality Tests and Assessments: Tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Enneagram can offer insights into your personality traits and how you interact with the world. While they shouldn't be taken as absolute truth, they can be a starting point for self-discovery.

  • Professional Help: Sometimes, the journey to self-awareness can uncover deep-seated beliefs and feelings that are hard to deal with alone. Therapists, counsellors, and life coaches can provide guidance and support as you explore your inner self.


The journey towards self-awareness is undoubtedly one of the most valuable pursuits in our lives. It lays the groundwork for genuine personal growth, enriched relationships, professional success, and leadership effectiveness. By cultivating a deep understanding of our thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and actions, we unlock the potential to navigate life's challenges with grace and intentionality.

Remember, self-awareness is a journey, not a destination. There will always be more to learn about ourselves, new depths to explore, and further opportunities for growth. The strategies outlined, from mindfulness meditation to seeking professional guidance, are tools to help us on this journey, offering paths to greater understanding and self-compassion.

If you're inspired to embark on this journey of self-discovery, consider reaching out for support. Our Life Coaching program at DareAhead is designed to guide you towards deeper self-awareness, helping you uncover the insights and strategies needed to live a truly fulfilling life. Together, we can explore the richness of your inner world, unlocking the doors to a brighter, more aware future.

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Sony Thomas

Sony Thomas

Holistic Coach

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